… And Sat Down Beside Her

… And Sat Down Beside Her

I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about fear since I started this blog, as it is the emotion, usually, that necessitates courage. If we’re not afraid of something, we don’t need courage to do it. We might need resolve or self-discipline (to mop the floors or mow the...
Jungle Red Writers: Signs of the Times

Jungle Red Writers: Signs of the Times

(I’m always pleased to spend time with my dear friends, the fiesty crew at Jungle Red Writers. On this guest appearance we had some fun discussing aging.) HANK PHILLIPPI RYAN: Happy Saturday!  I noticed the other day that my ankle was puffy.  (I promise this has...
Waltzing with Imperfection

Waltzing with Imperfection

Ballroom Dancing. Two little words that tend to get wildly different reactions from husbands and wives. Husband: “I’d rather have a root canal while watching a Desperate Housewives marathon.” Wife: “Oh, goody. Swishing around the floor in a ballgown, gliding, dipping,...
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Photo Not Available

If you want a giggle today, let me tell you about my latest deliberate attempt to do something brave. The something brave was cutting my hair.  Yes, I know this is not on par with running for public office or reporting the news in Syria.  Still, I’ve worn my hair the...
Courage in the Air

Courage in the Air

Since I decided to blog about courage in its myriad forms, it seems like people everywhere are talking about eschewing fear or having more courage. A friend of mine’s New Year’s resolution was “No fear!” and the columnist Maria Hinojosa wrote a stirring essay about...

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