My husband was out of town last week on business and I had the bed to myself for four nights. What’s unusual about that is not my husband’s absence, but that neither of my daughters took the opportunity to come snuggle with me. They’ve outgrown it, I guess. On the...
I have a seventeen-year-old daughter, as do many of you. Although I think she is beautiful, talented, intelligent, compassionate, and altogether wonderful, I am not besotted enough to think she is unique in possessing these attributes. No, I’m pretty sure that the...
My elder daughter is a high school senior mid-way through the process of applying to colleges. O. M. G. I thought I was a reasonably savvy mom, but the process and the cost of attendance have left me with my jaw on the floor. The plethora of choices and reams of...
Mid-year, I decided that my blogging topic was going to be “The Year of Letting Go.” Well, it looks like the only thing I actually let go of was blogging. It Wasn’t Intentional It just. . . happened. Which got me thinking: What other things did I let go of in 2014 by...
The Joys of Multi-tasking I have long prided myself on being a multi-tasker. The ability to multi-task, to take on two or five tasks at once, helped me sail through college and kick-started my Air Force career. Even as recently as a couple of years ago, I gloried in...